Test Techniques as a Team Tool for Requirement Visualization

Ladies Day 2024 presentation led by Gitte Ottosen

7. 3. 2024


About the Presentation

Traditionally, we use test techniques as part of our test assignment – no matter if the context is a traditional project or an agile team.

We use test techniques when we design our test cases or do exploratory testing. We use them to make effective tests and to get an overview of progress and coverage – no matter if we test exploratory or use test techniques as a foundation for automated regression tests. – As a tool for getting an overview and understanding of what we are testing.

 But how about changing the view on test techniques to encompass identifying the purpose and requirements for a new feature – and to view them as a collaborative tool for creating acceptance tests together with the customer or end-user?

What if we could share these techniques with our team, and use them to get a common picture of what our customer wants, and what the users need? What if they could be used as part of our collaboration with our customers?

Based on experiences from different projects, Gitte gives a practical introduction to how you can introduce several different techniques to visualize and clarify workflows and user needs in a practical and easy, documented manner. Gitte will share her experience of using test techniques proactively and ensuring that the team gets a common picture and foundation to work from – ensuring maximum value to the customer.

Key take-aways:

  • Your competences can add value all the way through the lifecycle
  • Test techniques are also requirement speicification techniques
  • Test techniques are collaboration tools

Gitte Ottosen

Expert Test Consultant – Key2Quality, Denmark

Gitte Ottosen is a test manager and agile/quality coach with a strong focus on a value driven approach to software development. She has more than 25 years of experience in IT, primarily within test, test management and process improvement, in both traditional and agile contexts. The last fifteen years she has primarily worked within an agile context, focusing on supporting a quality mindset across teams and organizations, and improving the processes for some of the largest international companies in Denmark. As a self-confessed test and agile evangelist who preaches the need for a strong quality and value driven focus, Gitte is a strong advocate for a context-driven approach, a role requiring profound professional insight, passion, and persistence— qualities that Gitte holds in abundance. Gitte is a dedicated trainer within the areas of agile and test and is a regular speaker at international conferences. She holds several certificates within testing as well as agile; ISTQB Expert Level Test Management – Full, Certified agile tester (CAT), TMap Test Engineer, TMAP Organizing Built-in Quality at Scale, Certified SCRUM Master, SAFeProgram Consultant.