(EN) Cybersecurity for QA: A Practical Guide

23. 05. 2024 od 16:00 do 17:30 CET

Webinar led by Marina Mulyukina

About the presentation

This webinar offers QA professionals and other IT professionals an essential guide to cybersecurity, focusing on integrating security practices into QA to protect applications from threats.

Attendees will learn about the latest security risks, effective access control, common vulnerabilities like SQL injections and XSS, and practical tools for security testing.

The session aims to cultivate a security-aware culture within QA teams, providing actionable strategies for immediate use.

Join us to equip yourself with the knowledge to incorporate security into your QA role, helping to create safer applications for everyone.

What will you learn from the webinar?

Cybersecurity Overview: Understand today's cybersecurity threats and the importance of QA in security efforts.

Security Basics for QA: Learn how to identify and mitigate common vulnerabilities and the basics of access control.

Tools and Techniques: Discover key tools and manual techniques for effective security testing.

Fostering Security in QA: Strategies for building a security-focused approach within QA teams.

Practical Strategies: Gain actionable insights and a checklist to start enhancing application security right away.

Webinar is led by Marina Mulyukina

Marina began her career in testing as a manual tester 5 years ago and has since advanced into an Automation QA Engineer role, blending her IT expertise with a passion for cybersecurity, especially penetration testing. She's an active member of tech communities, sharing knowledge and staying updated with industry trends. Outside of work, Marina's adventurous spirit finds solace in the mountains, mirroring her professional journey's dynamic nature.