Do you need training? Our qualified experts will take care of it

Do you need training? Our qualified experts will take care of it

Training courses to help you develop your own professional skills and knowledge.

TMAP: Quality for cross-functional teams including exam
Phil Royston

TMAP: Quality for cross-functional teams including exam

This training is based on the book “Quality for DevOps teams” and the TMAP body-of-knowledge on

Upcoming dates

10. 3. 6. 10.


970 EUR

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ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL)
Miroslav Renda David Sedláček Jaroslav Strharsky

ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL)

Learn testing fundamentals with this ISTQB course.

Upcoming dates

25. 2. 2. 4. 14. 5.


875 EUR

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ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) - separated into 6 half-day lessons
Miroslav Renda

ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) - separated into 6 half-day lessons

Learn testing fundamentals with this ISTQB course.

Upcoming dates

3. 6.


875 EUR

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ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level (CTAL) Test Management
Tal Pe'er

ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level (CTAL) Test Management

An advanced ISTQB course, for those ready to take on a senior role.

Upcoming dates

12. 5.


1410 EUR

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ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level (CTAL) Test Automation Engineer
Sue Atkins

ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level (CTAL) Test Automation Engineer

This course is aimed at software testers who wish to further develop their expertise in automation testing.

Upcoming dates

28. 5. 22. 10.


1119 EUR

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Approaches to Software Testing and Development Not Only in an Agile Environment
Kamila Kozakovičová Sandra Klašková

Approaches to Software Testing and Development Not Only in an Agile Environment

We invite you to a playful workshop where we will dive together into the world of alternative approaches to software testing and development.

Upcoming dates

19. 3. 14. 5.


320 EUR

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Test Analysis in Practice
Sandra Klašková

Test Analysis in Practice

Enough theory! Learn how to deal with test analysis and try everything in practice in a single day.

Upcoming dates

18. 3.


320 EUR

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Test Design Techniques
Kamila Kozakovičová

Test Design Techniques

Learn advanced test design techniques and their use in practice

Upcoming dates

25. 3.


320 EUR

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Stop Testing and Start Teaming for Better Quality Software
Phil Royston Lucie Paulíčková

Stop Testing and Start Teaming for Better Quality Software

In today’s software delivery world, whether you’re Agile, Waterfall, or a hybrid in between, there’s a lot of focus on leveraging hard skills and technology to improve our work and its results.

Upcoming dates

10. 4.


320 EUR

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Boosting Personal Productivity with AI
David Sedláček

Boosting Personal Productivity with AI

This workshop aims to introduce participants to the practical applications of AI in Quality Assurance (QA).

Upcoming dates

22. 4.


320 EUR

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Accessibility Testing Workshop
Matej Sekeľ

Accessibility Testing Workshop

This course provides a comprehensive overview and guide to accessibility testing for websites and applications. During the course we will focus on the key aspects of ensuring accessibility and meeting WCAG standards in conjunction with relevant legislation.

Upcoming dates

22. 5.


220 EUR

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Dobrý posel špatných zpráv aneb výzva v testerské komunikaci
Zuzana Bieliková

Dobrý posel špatných zpráv aneb výzva v testerské komunikaci

Zveme vás na workshop od testerky pro testery, kde se zaměříme na komunikaci s použitím transakční analýzy.

Upcoming dates

28. 3.


220 EUR

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Playwright basics
Martin Škarbala

Playwright basics

Learn the basics of Playwright and understand the principles of automated testing.

Upcoming dates

10. 4.


550 EUR

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Unit Testing
Pavel Herout

Unit Testing

Unit tests represent a fundamental method for verifying the quality of a developer's work.

Upcoming dates

28. 2.


320 EUR

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Test Automation Using Selenium and Java

Test Automation Using Selenium and Java

Learn to create efficient and stabile automated tests using the Selenium WebDriver framework.

Upcoming dates

We don't have any dates at the moment


583 EUR

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Advanced Automated Testing Using Selenium and Appium

Advanced Automated Testing Using Selenium and Appium

Learn how to effectively automate front-end tests for web and mobile apps and gain experience

Upcoming dates

We don't have any dates at the moment


583 EUR

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ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level (CTAL) Technical Test Analyst
Tal Pe'er

ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level (CTAL) Technical Test Analyst

This 3-day course will suit software testing professionals who wish to become highly-skilled technical testers.

Upcoming dates

3. 3.


926 EUR

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ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level (CTAL) Test Analyst
Tal Pe'er

ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level (CTAL) Test Analyst

This practical course is intended for software testers who wish to become highly-skilled Test Analysts.

Upcoming dates

7. 4.


1211 EUR

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ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) Agile Tester

ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) Agile Tester

Learn how to deliver software testing effectively in an Agile development environment.

Upcoming dates

We don't have any dates at the moment


614 EUR

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System Integration Testing Using SoapUI

System Integration Testing Using SoapUI

Learn how to utilize the power of the open source tool SoapUI within System Integration Testing.

Upcoming dates

We don't have any dates at the moment


220 EUR

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Test Automation using Robot Framework

Test Automation using Robot Framework

Learn about automated testing with no prior programming knowledge

Upcoming dates

We don't have any dates at the moment


220 EUR

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Robot Framework evening school

Robot Framework evening school

Seven weeks of intensive training covering the basics and advanced techniques of web application test automation using Robot Framework.

Upcoming dates

We don't have any dates at the moment


610 EUR

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Mobile App Automation with Robot Framework a Appium

Mobile App Automation with Robot Framework a Appium

Learn how to create efficient and stable automated tests using Robot Framework and Appium.

Upcoming dates

We don't have any dates at the moment


220 EUR

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Real Project in Postman - Step by Step

Real Project in Postman - Step by Step

Upcoming dates

We don't have any dates at the moment


110 EUR

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Online, self-study course. Learn how to test with the intuitive tool.


76 EUR

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(CZ) Začínáme s Playwright

(CZ) Začínáme s Playwright

Discover the modern Playwright browser automation library and its native Playwright Test runner


36 EUR

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(SK) Magical Postman

(SK) Magical Postman

Online, self study course. Learn how to work with Postman and how to test API. Ideal start to the world of integration testing for testers and developers.


76 EUR

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(CZ) Introduction to Git and GitLab

(CZ) Introduction to Git and GitLab

Do you want to know more about Git and GitLab? In this free course, you will learn what they are and how to use them.



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(EN) Test Automation Using Robot Framework

(EN) Test Automation Using Robot Framework

Online, self-study course. Learn about test automation in this detailed course with the option of a consultation with the trainer.


100 EUR

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(CZ) SQL for testers

(CZ) SQL for testers

On-line, self-study course. Learn SQL basics and gain practical knowledge of the SQL language and Oracle Database. Can be finished within 1 - 2 days.


100 EUR

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(CZ) Development Bootcamp

(CZ) Development Bootcamp

This course is designed for everyone who wants to dive into the basics of development, backend/frontend programming, and go through all the stages of creating a web application.



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(CZ) Testování SEO

(CZ) Testování SEO

Tento kurz je určený pro testery a obecně všechny, kteří by rádi zlepšili viditelnost svých webových stránek ve vyhledávačích.


28 EUR

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(CZ) Úvod do test analýzy

(CZ) Úvod do test analýzy

V tomto kurzu se dozvíte, co si představit pod pojmem test analýza, proč nestačí jen klikat dle svého nejlepšího uvážení, co jsou to test design techniky a jak vytvářet testovací scénáře efektivně, abyste ušetřili sobě čas a klientovi peníze.



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(CZ) Úvod do test automatizace

(CZ) Úvod do test automatizace

V tomto školení se podíváme na problematiku automatizace testování softwaru.



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(CZ) Úvod do Accessibility testingu

(CZ) Úvod do Accessibility testingu

Tento kurz poskytne účastníkům základní znalosti o digitální přístupnosti a jejím významu.



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(CZ) Úvod do integračního testování

(CZ) Úvod do integračního testování

Integrace jsou důležitou součástí nejen testovacího procesu, jelikož na jejich základě spolu jednotlivé komponenty či systémy komunikují.



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(CZ) Úvod do test managementu

(CZ) Úvod do test managementu

Zajímá vás, co je test management a jaký má význam v softwarovém vývoji? Náš teoretický kurz Úvod do Test managementu vás provede základy tohoto klíčového procesu, který zajišťuje kvalitu softwarových projektů.



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(CZ) Úvod do software testování

(CZ) Úvod do software testování

Tento kurz je vhodný pro úplné začátečníky. Přiblíží Vám, co testování obnáší, jaké existují formy testování, jaké předpoklady jsou pro tuto práci vhodné.



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ISTQB Exam dates (CaSQB)

Date Place
18. 02. 2025 Bratislava
28. 02. 2025 Online
14. 03. 2025 Online
14. 03. 2025 Bratislava
19. 03. 2025 Prague
28. 03. 2025 Online

We only provide these exams for attendees of tesena's ISTQB courses. If this is your case, please contact us at

If you have not attended tesena's ISTQB training, please visit the CaSQB website to order your exam.

ISTQB Exam prices

Exam Price
ISTQB CTFL, Core 3.780 CZK / 160 EUR*
ISTQB CTFL, Agile Tester 3.780 CZK / 160 EUR*
ISTQB CTAL, Test Analyst 5.040 CZK / 210 EUR*
ISTQB CTAL, Technical Test Analyst 5.040 CZK / 210 EUR*
ISTQB CTAL, Test Manager 5.040 CZK / 210 EUR*
ISTQB CTAL, Test Automation Engineer 3.780 CZK / 160 EUR*

All Prices are excluding VAT. Unless agreed otherwise invoices will be in CZK.

*Prices in EUR are indicative and can vary based on the exchange rate.

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