The Test Manager – Is That Still a Thing?

Tesena Fest presentation led by Gitte Ottosen

20. 10. 2022 from 17:05 to 17:35 CET + 10 minutes Q&A

About the Presentation

I am a test manager, am I going to be a part of an extinct race soon? With agile did the role loose it’s value, or is it just a question about evolving? Some would argue that the crocodile haven’t evolved so why should we… but the need to evolve only arises when the animal’s environment forces them to adapt to new conditions, and that is what we experienced with the raise of agile and the different implementations that has surfaced over the years. So we need to evolve, but that does not mean that we let go of all we have been previously – we adapt to our new environment taking with us the best of what we used to do and adding new competences that adds value in our new environment. Let’s take a look at the test manager role as it was originally described as well as some of the other roles emerging with agile, and let’s have a discussion about what skills we could add to support the new environment, how we can take it to the next evolutionary stage.

Key Takeaways

Your work context is under continuous change - do you change with it?

New competencies you should consider for your role Not all old

Not all old knowledge goes away - competencies and tools will continue to add value

Who Will Benefit

Test managers

Quality coaches

Project managers

Product owners


Knowledge Requirements

Basic understanding of the task of a test manager


Gitte Ottosen

Gitte Ottosen is a test manager and agile/quality coach with a strong focus on a value-driven approach to software development. She has more than twenty years of experience in IT, primarily within testing, along with test management and process improvement, in both traditional and agile contexts. For the last fifteen years she has primarily worked within an agile context, focusing on supporting a quality mindset across teams and organizations, and improving the processes for some of the largest international companies in Denmark.